Internet statement 99/23    ---    August 7, 1999

Rolf Martens: extreme liar

Documents and audio-file

It is not worth while to go into all details of the endless contributions by Rolf Martens.

There is one unique point, a bold assertion about the alleged not dealing with the so-called RIM (Revolutionary Internationalist Movement) in our organisation, in his so-called Info #105. Here Rolf Martens is asserting the following:

"*Did KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT) representatives inform me of the existence of the 'RIM', for instance in 1986/87?*

In their 'Internet Statement No. 2/98' on 06.02.1998 – dedicated to trying to explain away the fact that for more than a decade they covered up the 'RIM', saying absolutely nothing about ist very existence, even, and flagrantly failing to warn the leftists in Germany and elsewhere against that nasty trap which they, the 'NEUE EINHEIT' people, could clearly make out it was those persons among other things are maintaining that they 'did' tell me, at least, a 'comrade' of theirs living in Sweden who had been co-operating quite closely with them since over ten years back, about the 'RIM‘s' existence.

They didn‘t. Neither 'at a certain party conference in late 1986 / early 1987', as they‘re saying, nor at any time later. I did take part in that conference. But never during it were such things as the 'RIM' discussed or even as much as mentioned. On this matter, those people really are lying through their teeth."

So far Rolf Martens.

Fortunately there are records of this conference.

The whole conference is on tape. Exactly on the evening of Dec. 30, 1986, it came to a comprehensive discussion about the case of Dietrich Jobstvogt and his withholding of documents of the RIM, the RCP/USA and of the declaration "To the Marxists-Leninists, Workers and Oppressed of all Countries" of 1980 which was the forerunner of the RIM. Rolf Martens himself actively took part in this discussion.
Also an event of Dec. 1986 which had been organised by followers of the RIM in Germany, was discussed, and their so-called criticism of Mao Zedong‘s foreign policy, as well as of the Neue Einheit because it defended Mao Zedong‘s policy.
This discussion took more than one hour.
It comprised in particular complaints by Klaus Sender that he and the organisation as a whole had been informed completely insufficiently.

As an example from it, in particular remarks by Rolf Martens on the PCP and on the Declaration of 1980 are of interest here, which he makes in a dialogue with Klaus Sender within this session of Dec.30,1986.

Rolf Martens stated concerning this document:

Audio file of the original German wording
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Click the button to download or listen to the original German wording

(The following is a word-for-word account of the record on tape, Translation, Original German Text see below, text in [] are notes of us)

Rolf Martens: It is conspicuous, anyway, that the Partido Communista do Peru is not there [taking part in the declaration of 1980].

Klaus Sender: Is not yet there taking part.

Rolf Martens: Yes, not yet.

KS: This was at that time, namely 1980. This declaration was issued in 1980, and then none of us did know it. But in 1982 we came upon it for the first time, that is to say, not we [the organisation as a whole], but they [the withholders], and in 1983 intensively. And we did not learn anything about it. They have connections with such people from the surroundings of the TKP/ML there. They have discussions with them. ["They" refers to the heavily criticized representatives , above all Dietrich Jobstvogt.]

RM: Yes, I think, a point against it, against these here would be that the party in Peru is not taking part, and one has to ask oneself why.

KS: No, understand me, that this is abstract, too. Excuse me, but I do not ask with such a booklet at hand the text of which is correct; why in 1980 the PC of Peru [does not take part]. Do you know what the Peruvian party advocated in 1980? I don‘t. Besides: what kind of a party is this one in Peru in general? Are you certain if it is completely correct? I‘m not.

RM: Hm, yes.

KS: Well, there you are, therefore it cannot be made the yardstick. This is also a distraction.

Well, the content of this booklet is correct, compared with the development of then, this is the essential thing about it. And there are after all 1,2,3 [counts spontanously loudly] ... 15 organisations from all continents involved.

RM: Yes, it must immediately look important, yes.

KS: Even a blind man with a walking stick can see that this is important, and that it actually has to be communicated without delay. This is not a somehow coloured booklet into which you have to look in order to see that it is important. It is designed so that you cannot overlook it. On the cover the parties are appearing immediately.

(So far the passage from the tape record of the conference.)

This shows that Rolf Martens does know the booklet of 1980 and the immediate RIM-declaration of 1984, as he listened to the whole discussion about the booklets, and here he himself is pointing to the difference of the booklet of 1980 to the RIM declaration of 1984, the aforementioned not comprising the PCP as a signatory, unlike the latter.

This remarkable short dialogue within the discussion deserves interest also because of the fact that Rolf Martens already here is directing special attention to the PCP as a yardstick concerning the declaration of 1980. Already then, thus, he must have had ideas in this direction, and this is something which completely contradicts his assertions of today, the so-called accusations against our organisation that we had kept him away from the knowledge about the RIM.
In connection with the inquiry of occurrences within the revolutionary movement during the 80ies, this short remark is indeed interesting.
The assertion that Rolf Martens had learnt nothing within our organisation during the whole 80ies about the RIM therefore provably is sheer nonsense.

This demonstrates who is "lying through his teeth".

   Editorial Staff of NEUE EINHEIT
   August 7, 1999

The Dialogue in German:
Rolf Martens: Es fällt allerdings auf, daß die Partido Communista do Peru dort [in der Erklärung von 1980] nicht [dabei] ist.

Klaus Sender: Hier noch nicht dabei ist.

RM: Ja, noch nicht.

KS: Das war zu diesem Zeitpunkt, das war ja ‚80, diese Erklärung, die ist ‚80 herausgegeben, und da kannten wir sie alle noch nicht. Aber ‚82 sind wir eben zum ersten Mal darauf gestoßen, d.h. nicht wir [die Organisation als Ganze], sondern eben sie [die Unterschlager], und ‚83 intensiv. Und wir haben nichts davon erfahren. Sie haben Beziehungen da zu solchen TKP/ML-Typen. Die diskutieren mit denen. [Gemeint sind schwer kritisierte Vertreter, vor allem Dietrich Jobstvogt.]

RM: Ja, ich meine, ein Punkt dagegen, gegen diese hier, das wäre, daß die Partei in Peru nicht dabei ist und man muß sich fragen, warum denn.

KS: Nein, verstehst du, das ist auch abstrakt. Entschuldige mal, ich frage doch nicht bei so einer Broschüre, deren Text richtig ist: warum ist 1980 die PC Peru [nicht dabei]. Weißt Du, was die Peru-Partei 1980 vertreten hat? Ich weiß das nicht. Außerdem: Was ist das überhaupt für eine Partei in Peru? Bist Du sicher, ob die völlig richtig liegt? Ich nicht.

RM: Hm, ja.

KS: Na eben, deswegen kann die nicht zum Maßstab gemacht werden. Das lenkt auch ab.

Der Inhalt dieser Broschüre ist also, gemessen an dem damaligen Stand, richtig, das ist das Wesentliche. Und es handelt sich immerhin um 1,2,3 [zählt spontan laut] ...15 Organisationen aus allen Kontinenten.

RM: Ja daß, daß es unmittelbar wichtig aussehen muß, ja.

KS: Das sieht ein Blinder mit 'nem Krückstock, daß das wichtig ist und daß das an und für sich unverzüglich mitgeteilt werden muß. Das ist keine irgendwie farbige Broschüre, in die man hereingucken muß, um zu sehen, daß das wichtig ist. Es ist so gestaltet, daß das unübersehbar ist. Vorne sind die Parteien gleich drauf.    back to text